Hello World

I have a paralyzing fear of introduction posts, so please bear with me. If at any point during the program I sink to the floor and curl up underneath a desk, I promise I’m not having a panic attack. That’s just how I deal with tense social situations.

This cat may be watching ping pong.

Overstimulated and under prepared. This is the story of my life.

Oh, look! A cat! Phew. Well, at least now the pressure’s off.

I’m Kathryn Tanquary, currently of Midori City, Japan and formerly of Portland, Oregon. I write novels about fantastic creatures, mysterious powers and characters who are both flawed and fabulous at the same time. As of this posting, I have finished two manuscripts, one of which I am polishing for submission.

Though I’ve been a longtime denizen of the internet, lurking has been my primary specialty. I’m really good at that. Like, scary good. But I’m trying this blog business so I can finally start posting those comments I only ever compose in my head, which I feel is a far better option than saying them aloud to my empty room like a crazy person. There are so many amazing people doing amazing things, I want to stalk them all and learn their magics. And thus I poke my head out of my comfy blanket of anonymity and crawl into glaring light of the internet.

Look on my words, ye many, and… uh… maybe drop by and say ‘hi,’ I guess?

– K.